Ecosystems of Resilience Practices: Contributions for Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation focuses on resilience in action by exploring and providing approaches, perspectives, toolboxes, and theoretical discourses for the improvement and enhancement of territorial and community resilience practices towards sustainability and climate change mitigation/adaptation. The book develops a set of tools and design criteria to support the dissemination of resilience practices. This new toolset will support the expansion and reinforcement of resilience practices and the building of solutions related to climate change.
The book is divided into three sections: Section one investigates the contribution this kind of resilience approach could have on sustainable development goals as related to climate change. It also includes other environmental challenges such as ecosystem resilience in the face of climate change. Chapters dedicated to exploring the issues for a renovated governance of territorial transformation processes are included. Section two focuses on the eco-systems of resilience practices characterization, including discourses on international networking of transitions initiatives. Section three presents operative guidelines, instruments, and proposals for the resilience practices "stabilization," "blooming," and "up scaling," aiming at a more effective and consistent contribution of resilience practices in reaching sustainability, adaptation goals, and scenarios at local and global scales.
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Table of Contents
1. Resilience in action: Approaches to resilience practices 2. Resilience and Climate change 3. Resilience and risk adaptation in urban planning 4. Ecosystem of resilience practices governance 5. Governance climate change actions 6. Governance of transition process in Rotterdam 7. Resilience stabilisation: Role of economic issues in resilience practices 8. Urban common goods and territorial development:�A new ground for resilience 9. Knowledge for resilience in action: Learning capacities 10. Ditching the Dykes: Developing a Capacity-Building Game for a Flood Resilient Region 11. Resilience Practices Observatory project: An overview 12. Resilient communities grant: Aims 13. Monitoring the Cariplo resilient Communities practices 14. Towards an impact evaluation framework to measure urban resilience in food practices 15. Mapping the ecosystem of practices: Exploration and characterisation 16. Co-production: Emerging issues from the co-production activities 17. Resilience Practices Forum events: Tools for capacity building and networking 18. Toolboxes and emerging needs / Knowledge and multidisciplinary discourses 19. Ecosystem services and nature-based solutions 20. Economics 21. Governance 22. Learning 23. Inspiration from international practices and experiences governance, economics and learning 24. Perspectives for research and action